Tuesday, 17 July 2012

OMG! Is That ME???

Sometimes the weight kinda creeps up on you... stealthy little sucker that it is! A little bit here, a tiny bit there... and before you know it, the person staring back at you in the mirror is a stranger. Who is this fat broad ('broad' being a very apt word!)? Where did she appear from? Oh, yes, you notice that bits are a little flabbier, that the face is rounder, the bingo wings a bit more prone to slapping about whilst you're cleaning the kitchen... but it's just 'Rubenesque' or 'curvy'... right? Then 'Rubenesque and curvy' suddenly become obese, fat, lardy... and just plain unhealthy.
The trouble is, weight goes on so easily  - like butter slipping in a hot frying pan - but getting it off again is so much harder!
I've been here before. I've been skinny, almost perfect, and hugely obese many times before - it's a never-ending cycle. I've just come to terms with that. Realised now, after so many years of riding the waves of skinny-to-fatty, that I will always have to be on a diet to stay at a healthy weight.
What a horrible thought!
But it's not to say that chocolate will never pass my lips again... it's just that it will pass my lips a LOT less often than it has in the past. It will have to become a RARE treat, rather than a daily excuse to cheer myself up. Because it really doesn't cheer me up. Oh... okay - whilst I'm eating it I feel fantastic! but afterwards I'm overtaken with guilt and questions of "Why did I just eat that?".
On Monday the 10th of July, 2012, I decided that I had to start making good choices. I had to change my life.
I want to be here when my grandchildren have children. I want to be around when my husband retires and we get some 'us' time...
I don't want to die young.
So... I've put my photograph up so people who know me now know the real me - the fat me... the ugly me. I'm not saying fat is ugly - fat women can be - and are very often - absolutely stunning. Just not this one. This one looks old and tired and unhealthy. She is NOT a pretty picture!

She is also ... Oh dear, I can't believe I'm admitting this on the 'world wide web'... On Monday the seventh of July, 2012, I weighed in at seventeen stones and eight pounds.
Yep... you read that right.
17 st 8 lb
that's a total of 246 lb

Is that really me??!!

Well, no. At least it won't be me for much longer. Because I have the mindset, and I must have the willpower.
I will no longer be this person!
Wish me luck!

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