Monday 30 July 2012

Friend Makin' Mondays

Ooh, a tough one this week from Kenlie at for Friend Makin' Mondays.
Pop on over for the 'rules' on how to play and join in.
Here's the questions (and my answers) for this week:

Goals and More

1. Brag about some of your daily, healthy habits.  Some? I eat vegeatbles and fruit EVERY DAY (I'm a vegetarian!) and I drink a lot of water.
2. Do you track your daily food intake? If so, how? I write down everything I eat, and the calorie content too.
3. What do you want to change most about your daily routine?  Watching television whilst sat on the sofa for hours on end! I'd also like to get up earlier every day.
4. How often do you exercise?  Hardly ever - rhuematoid atrthritis and other problems are a hindrance - but I'm trying to get a positive outlook and try harder... soon!
5. How do you stay on track when you’re on the go? I'm disabled and agoraphobic... so I'm not often on the move. I carry a low-cal drink (or water) when I'm out, sugar-free polo mints, and a healthy snack bar.
6. What’s one excuse you use that prevents you from reaching your goals?  I talk myself down and convince myself that either I can't do it, or I'm not worth it. I tell myself that past the age of 40 (which I am WELL past!) it is impossible to lose as much weight as I want to.
7. What scares your most about your journey? Worse than failure, I'm scared I'll get to where I want to be and then just slide back (again!).
8. What do you think will change most when you reach your goal? (If you have reached it, what’s different?)  My wardrobe! On a less shallow point... my outlook on life - I'l be more adventerous and won't worry about what other people will think of me when I go outside the front door.
9. What motivates you to reach your goals?  My family... and the desire to be healthy. I don't want to die before I'm 60 years old - I want my grandchildren to know me, not just remember me from old photographs.
10. Share a few of your goals.  They are all shallow, meaningless aims -- but I'll share anyways...
  • I want to be slim enough to get into my leather jacket so that I can...
  • ride pillion on Hubbys motorbike again.
  • I want to wear beautiful clothes.
  • I want to look younger.
  • I want to play in the park with my grandchildren.
  • I want to walk to the local shopping precinct.
  • I want my family to be proud of me.
  • I want to feel proud of me and love myself.
  • I want to wake up in the mornings and not ache
  • I want to control my diabetes
  • I want to be healthy
And that is just a few of my goals! I've got tons like that - high-heeled shoes, trips to the cinema, having an anniversary party, eating out at a restaurant... I could go on for hours - but won't *lol*


  1. Hey, I saw you stopped by my blog and so now I have stopped by yours! Yay FMM works!

    Out of that whole post what sticks with my is your thought that you are not worth it. Believe me, you are, and I'm not just saying this as some pie in the sky oh I stopped by so I'm being nice to you thing. Your life and the lifestyle you want is SO WORTH IT. Once you get into shape you'll wonder how you ever even did anything before that, it's like getting a whole new life.

    Eat right and be active long enough and it become more of who you are as opposed to just something you do. You are worth it, trust me. :)

  2. I can relate to so many of your answers! Sometimes I wonder if somewhere in my subconscious, I don't really want to get to my goals and therefore I never will. And not because I don't *REALLY* want to get there but because I'm afraid of how I'll feel once I'm there or how I won't feel once I'm there... I think your goals are very meaningful and I love that you shared them anyway. I often think about things I want to post on my blog and then shy away because of what someone else might perceive me to be. From here on out, let's just go for it!

  3. Came by from FMM. I'm a vegetarian too and it's nice to have that near-guarantee that there will almost always be some fruits and veggies in my daily plan. You have so many great goals and I wish you luck and determination as you go for all of them.

  4. Stopping by from FMM! Being vegetarian is definitely a bragging point! I love all of your goals, and they are not shallow, they are real!

  5. make sure you post a picture on here once you get into that leather jacket

  6. No more excuses. You are a beautiful woman that deserves to be happy in her own skin. ....AND healthy!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your goals!
